Ovarian reserve and female fertility
Fertility science is complicated. There are so many factors involved and so many things to consider. If you want to decode your own fertility —

Can uterine fibroids affect IVF?
Uterine fibroids are a common disorder in women of reproductive age: About 20% to 50% of women have fibroids. Although many fibroids are completely harmless,

Is North Cyprus safe for IVF?
The COVID-19 pandemic has tested the promptness and efficiency of governments, healthcare systems and communities worldwide. Cyprus was one of the few countries that have responded

Why should you consider IVF holiday?
A growing number of hopeful parents travel across the globe each year for fertility treatment. Complex local legislation, restricted access to anonymous egg donors and

Pregnant during Covid-19? Here’s how to protect yourself
Pregnancy following IVF treatment is a special time full of excitement and anticipation. Although we’re past the peak, parents-to-be should still follow all precautionary measures

What you should know before IVF over 40?
There are many reasons why women decide to delay parenthood until their late 30s or 40s. These may include education, career, desire to find the

Trying to get pregnant for a year?
Getting pregnant can be a challenging process for many couples, but one that can be accomplished with the right education and guidance. If you are

Planning IVF? Here’s what you should know
Fertility clinics are starting to reopen after the Covid-19 outbreak. Although not all clinics are operating at full capacity, the situation with reproductive care is

Anovulation: What is it and what are your treatment options?
Ovulation is essential for conception. When ovulation is absent or irregular, getting pregnant is difficult. Although many women believe that regular periods mean normal ovulation,

Will the baby look like me if I use an egg donor?
With the highest success rates of all fertility treatments, donor egg IVF offers many women and couples the chance to build a family — regardless